МКБ «Искра»

[21.10.2013] Successful defense of the thesis by one of the Association employees

On October 17, 2013 in the Dissertation Council set up by the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education" Moscow Aviation Institute" (National Research University), head of the department - Vityazev Alexey V. successfully defended his PhD. thesis in Engineering Science with a specialization 05.07.02 - "Design, construction and manufacture of aircraft” . Research advisor - General Director of the Association, head of department 608 of the Moscow Aviation Institute, Doctor of Engineering Science, senior researcher Sorokin V.A.

The leadership, trade union activists and employees of the Association heartily congratulate Alexei Vitalievitch on a successful defense of the thesis and wish him every success in his work and the fulfillment of creative and scientific achievements.